Limited Black Edtion Maverick 700ml
Our best-seller, the traditional and classic Maverick design, the stylish domed lid sits on top of the timed classic bottle, with its exposed screw thread and etched grip to the edge of the lid, you feel you have stepped back in time with the age-old manufacturing process right there in your hands.
All our bottles are handcrafted using only the highest grade copper sourced by our experienced team of artisans in at our workshop in India, certified under ISO 9001-2008 we maintain uncompromising quality and ethnicity, using age-old production methods and traditional skill sets, you can be safe in the knowledge your bottle will be delivered with perfection and precision.
MAKING WATER MORE ENJOYABLE –the human body needs water or other fluids to work properly and to avoid dehydration, 3 out of 4 us don’t drink enough water, get your daily recommendation in style with one of our pure copper handcrafted bottles and reap the added health benefits at the same time, plus due to the thermal conductivity of copper, it acts as a natural cooling system, keeping water chilled for longer than its plastic alternatives.
AYURVEDIC HEALTH BENEFITS - look and feel like a new person, Ayurveda, a natural system of medicine, originated in India more than 5,000 years ago. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life. Let this ancient practice create a fresh start for your body, drinking water stored in a pure copper vessel can
- Help slow down signs of aging
- Aid in weight loss
- Help balance hormones during pregnancy
- Is a strong antioxidant that helps fight off diseases and can even boost brainpower.
ISO 9001-2008 QUALITY ASSURANCE - Don't waste your time ordering low-quality imitations. At CU29™ we give you 100% pure copper water bottle, joint-free, rust-free and leak-proof, guaranteed for a lifetime, Make this bottle your only choice. Get it right the first time